Sunday, January 25, 2009

Obama, enfin

My fantasy of watching Obama's inauguration on TV with a crowd of adoring Frenchmen in the Arles cafe that Van Gogh used to frequent was not, unsurprisingly, fulfilled.

Arles in January turns out to be a pretty desolate town. Van Gogh's cafe was closed for the season, and in fact in the entire old town there was only one open cafe, and it didn't have a TV set. (That article I posted earlier about the dying cafes of France turns out to be very, very accurate as regards the smaller towns, even if Paris is still relatively well supplied with them.)

So I ended up watching in my hotel room ...

... but the hotel only got French channels, not CNN, and the French announcer insisted on simultaneously translating Obama's speech into French, which made it impossible for me to understand either language. So I guess I'll have to watch it on Youtube when I get back.

I did notice, during our trip to the South, that Obamamania has reached levels of bad taste that I didn't know the French were capable of:

And even worse, in the gay dance club in Nice, there was a safe-sex sign in the men's room consisting of a picture of a condom and the words, "Yes we can."

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