Monday, December 1, 2008

World AIDS Day, a la francaise

It's World AIDS Day today, and in France they actually notice: one of the local newspapers had it as the lead story (it helps that today is Monday and there isn't a lot of local news to compete with it). Most U.S. newspapers, by contrast, don't even consider it news.

On the French equivalent of MTV there was a public service announcement -- at 8 in the morning, no less -- that went as follows: A straight couple tumbles amorously into bed. A condom wrapper is discarded on the floor, and shown in closeup. You don't get to see the condom itself or the exact place where it is positioned (ahem), but it is clear how they are using it.

Then, the couple goes for an HIV test, which comes back negative, and leaves the doctor's office with the apparent intention of heading right back to bed. At the end, this tagline is shown: "Before stopping the condoms, have an AIDS test."

Couples who haven't been tested yet certainly have no excuse for not using condoms: they are sold in vending machines like this in public places (Metro stops, etc.) throughout the city:

They aren't given away free in gay bars here (that I've noticed, at least) but then that practice has largely ceased in America as well. I did pick up some free ones in both London and Hong Kong, however. Why there and not here? I have no idea.

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