Friday, November 21, 2008

Le Beaujolais Nouveau est Arrive!

I'm told it isn't what it used to be, but there's still a bit of manufactured hype here about Beaujolais Nouveau, which "arrived" last night. A number of restaurants near my office (which is not in a touristy area) were having special dinners, with decorations vaguely in a harvesty theme -- it struck me as, in a way, a French equivalent to Thanksgiving.

The wine (which interestingly is called "Beaujolais Primeur" more often than "Beaujolais Nouveau") represents a bit of a profit center to the restaurants -- the one we went to was charging 4 euros a glass, which is a bit more than they charge for most of the better-quality wines they serve.

For Beaujolais Nouveau, it wasn't bad, but it's still basically alcoholic grape juice.

And with that, I'm off to London for the weekend, without my laptop, so blogging will resume Monday.

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