Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween, part 2

So in the gayest part of Paris, on what is the gayest holiday in the American calendar, I saw ... one guy in face paint (possibly straight) walking around on the street, and one guy in a Venetian mask and eye shadow (definitely gay) in RAIDD.

Other than that, it was just an ordinary Friday night out; RAIDD was, if anything, a bit less crowded than usual, though that may have had something to do with the weather.

Mix had posters up advertising their weekly Friday night gay party, this week with Chris Cox, but they didn't bill it as specifically Halloweeny.

So that makes two U.S. holidays I've missed, without a trace. And we haven't had any French holidays to compensate yet. Today is All Saints' Day, which is technically a holiday, but everything in my neighborhood (except, alas, the haircutter) seems to be open. And then there's Armistice Day on Nov. 11, which falls on a Tuesday but is celebrated then because of the whole 11th-hour-11th-day-11th-month thing.

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